
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Multiply Part 2
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
RELATE. Part 2 in our Multiply Series. Pastor Neli tells us about the story of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:9-34) and how they were called to do greater things on the way of being called to Macedonia. Our calling is to help other people to know about God. To relate to one another, to the lost and to God. If you really want to live and relate like Christ related, are you really willing to take up your cross and follow him?

Monday Nov 10, 2014
Monday Nov 10, 2014
Monday Nov 10, 2014
REACH. Part 1 in our Multiply Series. Pastor Neli tells the parable of the Good Samaritan and the importance of reaching out to those in need. We might need to get messy and we might need to go to places which are unknown to us but let us be tuned to God and He will lead us to where we are called to be.

Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Outlasters Part 4
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Our last part in the Outlasters series. Join us as Roisin speaks wisdom to stewardship and making our mark on the things God has given us. God is the owner of all things including our finances where as we (man) are the stewards of the things God has given us. So let us not worry about how much of our finances we get to keep but let us more so seek within ourselves how much we get to give back to the Lord.

Monday Oct 27, 2014
Outlasters Part 3
Monday Oct 27, 2014
Monday Oct 27, 2014
Continuing on from last week in our Outlasters series, David Coss brings us a message on Tithes and Offerings. Tithes are like the rent your owe and Offerings are like the seeds you sow. Has this already become part of our regular living? Will this be what we leave behind in the generations to come?

Monday Oct 13, 2014
Monday Oct 13, 2014
Monday Oct 13, 2014
Let's kick start our new series, Outlasters. Pastor Neli communicates the book of Matthew to teach us the importance of knowing where our time, talent, ties and treasures lie. Is the Lord our God Lord of all these things? We need to worry less about today's happiness and more about tomorrow's readiness. How are we preparing ourselves for God's Kingdom?

Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Centered - Colossians Part 7
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Concluding our Podcast series on "Centered", our campus minister Roisin Welsh continues to enlighten us with how Christ had influenced the lives of many. Talking through Colossians chapter 4 we come to experience the importance of keeping Jesus Christ the center of our lives in everything we do. As Paul had written in the book of Colossians for us to follow further instructions,

Monday Sep 29, 2014
Centered - Colossians Part 6
Monday Sep 29, 2014
Monday Sep 29, 2014
Pastor Neli never fails to keep us reminded about our walk with Christ. This week we continue on our Centered series and travel further into chapter 3 of the Book of Colossians. What role do we take as part of our relationship with God and in our relationship with others? Are we living each day for our Lord?

Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Centered - Colossians Part 5
Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Sunday Sep 21, 2014
Join us as we continue to discover what it means to be centered in Christ. It's when our eyes are set on things of the earth we run into crisis. We are very much aware of the crisis, but He's glorified when you look where Christ is.

Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Centered - Colossians Part 4
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Tuesday Sep 16, 2014
Part 4 of our series on being Centered in Christ. Pastor Neli continues to reach into us to deliver the message God wants us to hear. This week we discuss how important it is to incorporate GREY into our daily lives

Sunday Sep 07, 2014
Centered - Colossians Part 3
Sunday Sep 07, 2014
Sunday Sep 07, 2014
Last week we had talked about the importance of having passion for what we believe in, surrounding in people of the same faith and prioritizing God in our lives. This week Pastor Neli Atiga helps us to know the significance of having sufferings, stewardship and struggles in our life can improve our relationship with God and increase the blessings in our lives.